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COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak

Business Continuity Statement

Updated: 18 March 2020

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve our aim is to make sure our services continue as normally as possible. We have prepared business continuity plans and processes to support the business during these unprecedented times.

The safety of our employees, and customers are our primary concern. There are several measures we’re taking to ensure we manage to safely get through this situation while continuing to meet the needs of our employees and customers.

We are monitoring the situation closely and moving quickly to take action to minimise potential risks identified for our employees, customers and service delivery.

This statement will be updated as new information becomes available.

How is Alert Monitoring protecting its workforce and customers from exposure to COVID-19?

We are following all Government issued advice in respect of employee welfare and have adopted the published self-quarantine and return to work guidelines.

This is a dynamic situation and our staff are being asked to strictly follow closely the Government recommended approach in respect of health monitoring and self-diagnosis. Staff identifying the specified symptoms are required to report this to their supervisor/manager and undertake the recommended period of self-isolation.

Our operators use hand sanitiser products provided at the entrance doors and verbal reminders are issued via the access intercom. Operators have their temperatures regularly checked to identify any early warning signs of possible infection.

Our workspace has been re-organised to increase individual working space , this provides at least 2 metres of separation between Operators.

We will be monitoring all members of staff who have identified they may have COVID-19 symptoms and record their period of isolation.

Minimising service disruption to our Customers

Based on the Government forecasts it is inevitable that our staffing levels and that of our customers will be impacted by COVID-19.
We have implemented additional software to automatically review incoming alarms. This is highly effective in reducing the number of false alarms. This allows our Operators to work more efficiently focusing on real incidents.

We do not believe that our operators will be required to undertake remote working, but we have invested in secure technology that would allow this should it become an operational requirement.

The AlertSystems Group core administration functions are managed from our Head Office location. We have the capability to facilitate remote access to a full range of core administrative and operational services and home-working arrangements for business-critical personnel.